Pictures are PMRT 60th celebrations, 2 weeks after my talk.

Jacquie Freeborn preparing the cake for the cutting ceremony.

There were 3 other Lakes area teams present.
My talk was entitled Myths, marketing and misunderstandings lasting 50 mins.
Here are the notable reactions, feedback and questions.
My recommendation is to use a windshell instead of a waterproof, unless its raining of course!
* My further explanation here; using a windshell means less sweat and less wear on your outer jacket. This has suddenly become much more important because the DWR finish on waterproof jackets is much less effective than the older PFOA ‘forever chemicals’.
Pictures of the PMRT 60th celebration at Patterdale Hall Sat May 4th
Wicking inwards - One member who attend said that after a call out, a team member complained his jacket was leaking and I was able to show him he was exposing his inner base layers which were inward wicking; problem solved.
Comment, ‘Thanks, you solved a lot of issues of why I was getting wet’.
Question; Does the old adage ‘Be bold, start cold’ - still hold good?
My reply ; Yes indeed it's a leadership skill and what you are doing is recognizing that each individual will make a different judgement of the weather and temperature and the terrain ahead. Fitness levels will vary much between individuals.Fitter people are not merely faster but their metabolism produces more glycogen to power muscle and generate less heat. Leaders on well known terrain will sometimes advise where the garment adjustment stop will be to help the cohesion of the group.